Thursday, January 16, 2014


As we pass AND approach the various new year thresholds, this is a time when most of us symbolically reflect on the past, and plan for the future. This has been practiced for centuries in cultures all around the world.

While crossing the seasonal threshold and moving from one year to the next, there is a long standing tradition of making (and breaking) a resolution. Many of these annual resolutions involve a promise to do less, do more, or do better.

According to Merriam-Webster the definition reads...

res·o·lu·tion    noun \ˌre-zə-ˈlü-shən\

: the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc.

: the act of resolving something

: an answer or solution to something

: the ability of a device to show an image clearly and with a lot of detail

I really like all of these explanations, and believe they apply very well to what we need to do as IT professionals (your personal resolutions are your own business).

When I reflect back on what my team has witnessed in countless IT organizations around the world, a few clear and distinct things come to mind.

Every business leader wants to have (IT) solutions that are:

  • Flexible
  • Extensible
  • Agile
  • Scalable
  • Timely

To meet these requirements, new tools, new techniques and new approaches need to be embraced. And if you ask me, doing so without throwing the baby out with the bath water. In other words, keeping what works and re-engineering what doesn't. Rarely do we find that it is cost effective or advantageous to start over from scratch. Some might call this approach "evolution, not revolution". The pace at which you evolve is a function of time, energy and funding. I would also throw in will power.

From a data perspective, business leaders want more relevant information. They want to move from data being the static and benign byproduct of a transaction or event, to data being the raw material that is refined into insightful information; something that provides a unique and otherwise hidden perspective on what's happening, what's coming, what's needed.

For many (most?) of my clients, it seems that data is dragging them down like some kind of massive anchor. A huge bucket of bits that is increasing in weight and volume, forever tugging on the organization's precious resources.

For a few keen companies, data is an enabler. This byproduct of their transactions or events will serve an important purpose. That is to become a lens to focus the past, and for looking into the future. Their data becomes an asset; something to be preserved, treasured and made useful. Something that becomes a unique advantage to their business, their partners and their customers.

Approaching Information Management Differently

Another major trend we see is that increasingly, the formal IT organization is being bypassed. Or at best, relegated to being just the conduit for data. This means that the effectiveness and more importantly, the value of traditional IT organizations is being eroded.

We see more and more business users acquiring information technology solutions directly - deploying and using them without the assistance or oversight of the IT organization. Obviously there are many concerns with this trend. The one I want you to focus on is: irrelevance.  As in, your knowledge, skill and expertise are irrelevant, no longer required.

Increasingly, users have access to the data. The various lines of business have growing requirements for information. If IT cannot provide the information, then they are asked only to provide the data. Sooner than later, the "value add" of IT will dry up. To be sure, IT should have a vital part to play in the acquisition, storage, management, and productive / safe use of data. But given the current trend, how do you stay relevant?  How do you continue to provide value?

One idea I have been sharing with my clients involves a change in philosophy and approach. In terms of engaging your business leaders, users and colleagues, move towards a consulting oriented discussion instead of service oriented discussion. As a consultant, you are in a position to guide and influence the community around you. And don't wait for them to come to you.  Be proactive. Go to them.  This is what makes you valuable and keeps you on the list of critical success factors.

Find a way to help, not hinder.


For the coming year, let me suggest that you persevere to:

  • Stay relevant
  • Make and maintain a connection with your users clients
  • Provide real value

To accomplish these things (from an information management perspective), I recommend you personally resolve to:

  1. Learn more about the science and art of information management
  2. Gain control and governance of data and data access (don't be a Target)
  3. Get better at the design, architecture and modeling of database solutions

Happy New Year!

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